Green Dot Studio

Be an artist.

Located in West Tulsa.

Studio Time

Record your music and get the professional sound you’ve been looking for. Right in Tulsa.

Mixing & Mastering

Get your recordings cleaned up, mixed to your desired style, and mastered into a finished work of audio art. 



Unmixed Vocals

Mixed Vocals


Fresh produce for your next song right here. All organic.  Non-GMO. 

Enter… The Beat Store

our reason for being

I want to give people who are inspired to make music an opportunity to hear themselves in a new way. I’ve been learning music production, vocal recording, & audio engineering for 9 years. Now I have enough knowledge now to help artists take an idea in their imagination and bring it into the world, and I’d like to share that.

I’ve done my best to create a chill space for new music to be welcomed. Green Dot Studio is a culmination of my love for plants, growth, and a desire to connect with creativity. “

-Steven Hamilton, Owner

send a message

We are always open to talk about your music, new projects, creative opportunities and would be happy to answer any questions!